Thursday, 2 February 2017

Highs and lows of January

Again I'm writing a more general post rather than one specifically about my RA so welcome to my interesting life outside that part of me.

January is always seen as a depressing month of being broke, not much to look forward to and horrible cold weather. However, despite these negatives I feel I've had a good and relatively stress-free month so I thought I would share my highs and lows of January.

- Being on placement alongside one of the most friendly and supportive team of physios I have ever worked with.
- I have developed my confidence as a physio and a person. I feel a lot more positive about the year to come and have a lot more self-belief.
- I feel I have invested time in good friends and company this month.
- I have distanced myself from one-sided friendships
- I started the year with some of my favourite people.
- I am also (temporarily) out of my overdraft so money hasn't been one of my biggest worries for once

-The weather.. typically British to be complaining about the weather but I really do hate the cold
- Donald Trump.. need I say more
- Christmas being over
- My breathing being crap
- And realising that nothing hugely exciting is happening in the next few months and I will be focusing on my dissertation.